Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Olympics mania in my house

The Olympics has had quite an impact on my boys, Aiden and Luke. They seem taken with three events - track (sprinting), long jump and high jump. They run their 'laps' around the dining table and use the scattered cushions for the long and high jumps. I've promised to take them to the Commonwealth Games in 2014. In the meantime they want to attend some sort of a sports class where they can get stronger and faster. My come back to that was of course they had to finish all of their meals and that will make them stronger and faster - the one thing my boys do not have an issue with is eating their vegetables. I attribute that part of their eating habits largely to Annabel Karmel's children's recipe book which I used religiously for their first two years at least.

They also saw the Closing Ceremony and are totally into One Direction and this is their favourite song. They do not understand the lyrics obviously, but it is so adorable to see them dance to the song anyway.

Well this is a short post and hope to post more frequently.
